The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that the decision regarding whether to screen persons aged 75 to 85 years for colorectal cancer be individualized
Endoscopic treatment for peptic ulcer perforation
Perforation of an acute ulcer is a serious and life-threatening condition. Treatment for this sudden abdominal event is surgical in the majority of cases.
Endoscopic Management of Perforations: AGA Clinical Practice Update
A practice update from the American Gastroenterological Association used expert review and focus on methodologies to develop best practice recommendations for the management of endoscopic
New Expert Review From the American Gastroenterological Association on Managing Colonic Diverticulitis
The American Gastroenterological Association has issued a clinical practice update on the management of colonic diverticulitis. The recommendations are as follows: Physicians should order a
Risks of Colonoscopy: Not Just Bleeding and Perforation
This French study evaluated 4,088,799 patients undergoing a first-time colonoscopy during a 6-year interval. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease, colorectal cancer, or complicated diverticular disease
Endoskopische Spaltung eines Zenker-Divertikels mit dem Clutch Cutter
Endoskopische Spaltung eines Zenker-Divertikels mit dem Clutch Cutter und Versorgung einer Perforation. Koagulation des Divertikelstegs mit dem Clutch Cutter. Einstellungen: Forced coagulation 30 Watt, Endo
Perforation einer blutenden Polypektomiestelle im Colon mit einem Hämoclip
Gezeigt wird die Therapie einer postpolypektomie Blutung. Hierbei kommt es zu einer Perforation der Darmwand, die endoskopisch mittels Klipp verschlossen werden kann.