Im DGE-BV online Livestream am 11. Mai 2022 erwarteten Sie eine Reihe von Expert:innen. Jan Borovicka, Benjamin Walter und Alexander Ziachehabi werden unter der Moderation
A Case with an Abdominal Fluid Collection
This video demonstrates the case of a 42-year old male referred for EUS-guided drainage of a pancreatic fluid collection.
Acute necrotic collection
This video demonstrates the features of an acute necrotic collection in the case of a 65-year old male with abdominal pain and fever.
Cancer within a Pancreatic Fluid Collection
This video demonstrates EUS-guided drainage of a pancreatic fluid collection, and illustrates the importance of a careful EUS examination in all patients referred for PFC
Challenges of EUS-FNA of an Uncinate Pancreatic Mass
This video demonstrates the challenges associated with EUS-guided FNA of a pancreatic uncinate mass.
Duplication Cyst vs. Spindle Cell Tumor on EUS
This video demonstrates the differences between duplications cysts and spindle cell tumors.
EUS Features of Disconnected Pancreatic Duct Syndrome
This video demonstrates the hallmarks of Disconnected Pancreatic Duct Syndrome.
EUS-FNA of a Pancreatic Uncinate Mass using the Fanning Technique
This video demonstrates the EUS-FNA of a pancreatic uncinate mass using the Fanning Technique.
EUS-Guided Celiac Plexus Neurolysis
This video demonstrates the technique of EUS-guided Celiac Plexus Neurolysis in a patient with unresectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
EUS-Guided drainage of PFC using a Lumen-Apposing Metal Stent: Single-Gate Technique
This video demonstrates the single-gate technique of drainage of a pancreatic fluid collection using a lumen-apposing metal stent.
The importance of water insufflation in the EUS evaluation of a subepithelial lesion
This video demonstrates the importance of water insufflation in the EUS evaluation of a subepithelial lesion seen in the duodenal bulb on EGD, in the
Distaler echoarmer submuköser Tumor im Ösophagus
Submuköse Läsionen im Ösophagus werden endoskopisch meist als Zufallbefund diagnostiziert und im Weiteren mittels Endosonographie abgeklärt. Thomas Rösch aus Hamburg zeigt in diesem Video den