Die aktuellsten ASGE Journal Scans

ASGE Journal Scan | Ösophagus

ESD Is Safe and Effective for Esophageal Lesions in Cirrhotic Patients With Small Esophageal Varices Oktober 2023

Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is an effective strategy for complete resection of superficial esophageal neoplasia. However, such lesions in patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension

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ASGE Journal Scan | Kolon

Cold Snare Defect Protrusions Are Associated With Forced Pull-Throughs and Higher Rate of Residual Polyp Oktober 2023

Cold snare polypectomy of colorectal polyps sometimes leaves a cord of white tissue consisting of submucosa and, sometimes, muscularis mucosa. These defects are called “cold

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ASGE Journal Scan | Kolon

Are Anesthesia Specialists Necessary for Complex Colorectal Endoscopic Mucosal Resections? Oktober 2023

Sedation practice for endoscopy varies widely in the United States. One model is to use anesthesia specialists to administer propofol for complex endoscopic procedures, such

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ASGE Journal Scan | Bauchspeicheldrüse (Pankreas)

Both Balloon Enteroscopy ERCP and EUS-Guided Antegrade Treatment Are Reasonable Options for Choledocholithiasis After Roux-en-Y Gastrectomy Oktober 2023

Managing choledocholithiasis in patients after Roux-en-Y gastrectomy is challenging, and with no excluded stomach, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided transmural lumen-apposing metal stent placement is significantly more

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ASGE Journal Scan | Magen und Dünndarm

Do DPP4 Inhibitors and GLP-1 Receptor Agonists Increase the Risk of Intestinal Obstruction? Oktober 2023

The treatment of type 2 diabetes has evolved over the past decade, and incretin-based drugs, including dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)

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ASGE Journal Scan | Kolon

Colon Polyps Extending Across an Anastomosis Can Be Effectively Removed by Endoscopic Mucosal Resection Oktober 2023

Among 2629 large nonpedunculated colorectal polyps in 2350 patients, 10 were classified as anastomotic and had a median lesion size of 35 mm. All lesions

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