Classifications & Enitites

ClassificationsUpper GI tract

Forrest Classification

Forrest Classification

The Forrest Classification is now used as a tool to identify patients …

ClassificationsUpper GI tract

Kodsi classification of Candida esophagitis

Kodsi classification of Candida esophagitis

Candidiasis is the most frequent form of infectious esophagitis. The characteristic white …

ClassificationsUpper GI tract

Hiatus hernias and the Hill classification

Hiatus hernias and the Hill classification

To allow more precise assessment of the competence of the esophagogastric sphincter …

ClassificationsUpper GI tract

The CAES classification of anastomotic insufficiency in the esophagus

The CAES classification of anastomotic insufficiency in the esophagus

The Surgical Working Group on Endoscopy and Ultrasound (Chirurgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fĂĽr Endoskopie …

ClassificationsUpper GI tract

BING Classification Early Barrett Neoplasia

BING Classification Early Barrett Neoplasia

Multimodal therapy for early Barrett’s neoplasias, has become established as the standard …

ClassificationsUpper GI tract

Achalasia: Chicago Classification

Achalasia: Chicago Classification

Achalasia is one of the differential diagnoses in patients with symptoms of …

ClassificationsUpper GI tract

Esophagastric Junction Cancers (AEG)

Esophagastric Junction Cancers (AEG)

Tumors of the esophagogastric junction should be classified not only according to …

ClassificationsUpper GI tract

Paris Classification: Early Barrett Cancers

Paris Classification: Early Barrett Cancers

In the following, examples for superficial/early Barrett lesions of the esophagus are …

ClassificationsLower GI tractUpper GI tract

Paris Classification Early Cancer

Paris Classification Early Cancer

Endoscopic treatment for early carcinoma in the gastrointestinal tract has in the …

ClassificationsUpper GI tract

Paris Classification: Early Squamous Cell Cancers Esophagus

Paris Classification: Early Squamous Cell Cancers Esophagus

Examples of superficial/early squamous cell lesions in the esophagus are presented below. …

ClassificationsUpper GI tract

Paris Classification: Early Gastric Cancer

Paris Classification: Early Gastric Cancer

Examples of superficial/early gastric tumors are shown below. In the stomach, flat …

ClassificationsUpper GI tract

Prague Classification Barrett Esophagus

Prague Classification Barrett Esophagus

The Prague classification was presented by an international research group in 2006 …

ClassificationsUpper GI tract

Reflux Esophagitis: Los Angeles Classification

Reflux Esophagitis: Los Angeles Classification

Gastroesophageal reflux disease with endoscopically identifiable lesions (erosions, stricture, Barrett’s esophagus) is …

ClassificationsUpper GI tract

Esophageal Varices

Esophageal Varices

Various systems are available for classifying esophageal varices. Unfortunately, they only overlap …

ClassificationsUpper GI tract

Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Eosinophilic Esophagitis

A classification for eosinophilic esophagitis has not yet been included in the …

ClassificationsUpper GI tract

Fundic Varices

Fundic Varices

In contrast to esophageal varices, there is only one classification system for …