Ascaris infestation show quite a wide array of clinical manifestations as it maybe asymptomatic showing only long term manifestations of growth retardation and malnutrition ,
Ascaris Lumbricoides worm encountered in the stomach
Sub-cardial Gastric ESD
Before starting any endoscopical procedure, in particular an endoscopic submucosal dissection, a proper and extensive evaluation of the lesion must be accomplished. White light endoscopy,
Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection Outcomes for Early Gastric Lesions in North America
There are sufficient data in Asia to demonstrate that endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) has equivalent outcomes to surgical intervention for early gastric cancer (EGC). Moreover,
Endoscopic removal of a buried bumper using the Flamingo system
A patient with an ingrown internal PEG retaining plate (buried bumper syndrome) on the anterior wall of the gastric body. Endoscopic removal of the device
Roux-en-Y anatomy after gastric resection
This video illustrates the altered anatomy resulting after the type of gastric resection that is carried out for gastric carcinoma, for example. Bowel continuity is