Endoscopic techniquesInstrumentsTeaching Videos

Recovery of a lost gallstone from a perihepatic abscess

Gallbladder perforation, with stone “emptying” into the abdominal cavity, is a potential complication during cholecystectomy. Later complications may develop, particularly abscess formation. A subphrenic abscess

Endoscopic techniquesInstrumentsTeaching VideosUpper GI tract

Endoscopic removal of a buried bumper using the Flamingo system

A patient with an ingrown internal PEG retaining plate (buried bumper syndrome) on the anterior wall of the gastric body. Endoscopic removal of the device

ColonoscopyInstrumentsLower GI tractTeaching Videos

Endocuff Vision® versus wide-angle endoscope: small attachment – big effect

The wide-angle colonoscope provides a field of view up to 235 degrees, thanks to a lens system featuring forward viewing (147 degrees) and also side

Endoscopic techniquesInstrumentsTeaching VideosUpper GI tract

PEXACT — direct-puncture PEG after gastropexy

The gastropexy device consists of two hollow needles that are attached to each other. A suture thread is inserted through one hollow needle, and a

Endoscopic techniquesInstrumentsLower GI tractTeaching Videos

Endoscopic diagnosis of colon polyps using the NICE classification: initial experience with BLI and LCI

The new generation of the Fujifilm electronic endoscopy system allows virtual chromoendoscopy alongside zoom endoscopy. Blue laser imaging (BLI), like narrow-band imaging (NBI), allows further

InstrumentsTeaching VideosUpper GI tract

Endoscopy antireflux therapy with the MUSE system

A 31-year-old female patient who has had reflux symptoms for 15 years and has responded well to PPI therapy. The patient wants to stop taking