Endocuff Vision (ECV; Olympus America, Center Valley, Pa) has produced adenoma detection rate (ADR) gains in randomized controlled trials, but it has not received widespread
Endocuff Vision
Endocuff Vision
Is a Second Right-Side Colon Examination Needed When Using Mucosal Exposure Devices? Yes
Double right-sided colon examination has been advocated as a way to reduce interval cancers, which are more common in the proximal colon. Mucosal exposure devices,
Endocuff Vision Raises Adenoma Detection Rate by 7% in Randomized Controlled Trial in FIT-Positive Patients
Recent analyses suggest that colonoscopy with the original Endocuff or newer Endocuff Vision (EV) is superior to standard colonoscopy but that Endocuff has a greater
Is Endocuff Vision As Good As the Original Endocuff?
The original Endocuff (EC) had two rows of fingers, whereas the currently marketed Endocuff Vision (ECV) has a single row of longer fingers. Although EC
No Benefit of Endocuff Vision in Screening Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
Endocuff Vision (EV) has well-established benefits in colonoscopy, both for improved detection and faster withdrawal without reduced detection. EV has not been tested for its
Endocuff Vision Improves Detection in High Performers
In meta-analyses, Endocuff Vision (ECV) typically increases adenoma detection rates (ADRs) by about 7%. However, one meta-analysis found that the benefit was primarily in doctors
Endocuff Vision Defeats Cap in Tandem Study
Douglas K. Rex, MD, FASGE reviewing Rameshshanker R, et al. Gastrointest Endosc 2019 Dec 10. Recent controlled trials comparing Endocuff Vision (EV) to cap-assisted colonoscopy
Endocuff Vision Made Polypectomy Faster
Douglas K. Rex, MD, FASGE reviewing von Figura G, et al. Endoscopy 2019 Oct 15. Endocuff Vision (EV) has been shown in randomized controlled trials
Adenomdetektion bei der Koloskopie – neue Superweitwinkel-Endoskope versus neue Kappen
Die Adenomdetektionsrate (ADR) ist zum heiligen Gral der koloskopischen Qualitätssicherung geworden, sodass die Anstrengungen immer weitergehen, die ADR zu erhöhen.