Ultrasound Capsule Endoscopy Produces Images Comparable to EUS Images
Prateek Sharma, MD, FASGE, reviewing Qui XO, et al. Gastrointest Endosc 2023 Jun 23.
The current standard method for diagnosing and staging esophageal subepithelial lesions and tumors is endoscopic ultrasound (EUS). This study focused on a newly developed medical technology called ultrasound capsule endoscopy (USCE), which combines white-light and ultrasound imaging in a tethered capsule.
Included in this study were 20 participants, comprising 10 healthy volunteers and 10 patients with esophageal lesions scheduled for EUS. Each participant underwent two procedures: USCE first, followed by EUS within 48 hours. The primary outcome measured was the technical success rate of USCE.
The study found that USCE had a high success rate of 95%, with only one patient unable to swallow the capsule. No adverse events were observed during the procedures. The esophagus could be seen clearly in all participants, and all lesions were detected using the USCE optical mode in 19 participants.
With healthy volunteers, USCE and EUS each showed differentiated 7-layer architecture in normal-appearing esophageal walls. In the case of the 9 patients with esophageal lesions, the USCE ultrasound mode provided clear visualization of the lesion features, and the presumptive diagnoses, based on USCE, were consistent with those from EUS. Most of the participants preferred USCE over EUS.

COMMENTImaging the esophageal mucosa and submucosa using ultrasound capsule technology will soon be a reality.
Note to readers: At the time we reviewed this paper, its publisher noted that it was not in final form and that subsequent changes might be made.
Qiu XO, Jiang X, Chen YZ, et al. A new ultrasound capsule endoscopy for superficial and submucosal imaging of esophagus: the first-in-human study. Gastrointest Endosc 2023 Jun 23. (Epub ahead of print) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gie.2023.06.015)