Cold Snare

ASGE Journal ScanKolon

Cold Snare Defect Protrusions Are Associated With Forced Pull-Throughs and Higher Rate of Residual Polyp

Cold snare polypectomy of colorectal polyps sometimes leaves a cord of white tissue consisting of submucosa and, sometimes, muscularis mucosa. These defects are called “cold

ASGE Journal ScanKolon

Video-Based Feedback Improves Cold Snare Polypectomy Among Fellows but Learning Curve Is Long

Cold snare polypectomy (CSP) is the preferred resection method for colorectal lesions ≤10 mm. Competence in CSP can be assessed using the CSPAT (Cold Snare

ASGE Journal ScanKolon

For Resection Without Injection, Histologic Study Indicates Underwater Gives Most Complete Resection

Previous studies have indicated that cold snare polypectomy effectively removes colorectal lesions up to 15 mm in size but cuts more superficially than hot snare

ASGE Journal ScanMagen und Dünndarm

Is Cold Snare Piecemeal EMR Adequate in Treating Duodenal Adenomas?

Traditionally, nonampullary small-bowel adenomas ≥10 mm in diameter are resected utilizing cautery. Unfortunately, since the small bowel is thin-walled and highly vascular, adverse events are