Alexander Meining, Ulm Sequenzen: Sequence 1 This video demonstrate the drainage of pancreatic fluid collection caused by severe necrotic pancreatitis. A hot-axios-stent is used for drainage. Sequence 2 Patient with large amount of necrotic content (walled-off-necrosis) in the pancreatic cyst. Endoscopic necrosectomy after placement of the hot-axios-stent. Sequence 3 Complication 1: GI-Bleeding from the cardia due to laceration by the axios-stent. Removal of the stent and placement of two plastic-stents. Complication 2: Bleeding from the cystic wall due to necrosectomy. Sequence 4 Drainage can also be performed initially with plastic stents, especially if there are no necrosis in the cyst. Articles Related Posts Endosonography Teaching Videos A Case with an Abdominal Fluid Collection This video demonstrates the case of a 42-year old male referred for EUS-guided drainage of a … Endosonography Teaching Videos Acute necrotic collection This video demonstrates the features of an acute necrotic collection in the case of a 65-year … Endosonography Teaching Videos Cancer within a Pancreatic Fluid Collection This video demonstrates EUS-guided drainage of a pancreatic fluid collection, and illustrates the importance of a …