6. International Symposium on Complications in GI Endoscopy

Being committed endoscopists, we are all concerned that even minor invasive procedures may have side effects which might result in a so-called complication. The evolving advances, not only in image quality but also in invasive or surgical concepts, need a permanent process of reflection.

As in the years before, the aims of the symposium are to

  • identify critical incidents and complications
  • communicate unforeseen events
  • develop strategies to avoid or minimise complications
  • demonstrate therapeutical measures for the eventuality of a complication
  • which we will discuss under technical, procedural, ethical, psychological and legal aspects.

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Hotel Radisson Blu Hamburg Marseiller Strasse 2 20355 Hamburg

31.10. bis 31.10.2019 00:00 bis 00:00 Uhr


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