
ASGE Journal ScanKolon

Single U.S. Center Reports High Rates of Screening Colonoscopy in Older Patients With Low Life Expectancy: Low Yield and Very High Complication Rates

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that the decision regarding whether to screen persons aged 75 to 85 years for colorectal cancer be individualized

ASGE Journal ScanKolon

Colonoscopy Screening at Intervals Longer Than 10 Years Is Feasible

Case-control studies and cohort studies have found that colonoscopy prevents colorectal cancer (CRC) for 15 to 20 years or more. However, only a few small

ASGE Journal ScanKolon

Review Indicates Colorectal Cancer Screening Guidelines Have Inadequate Reporting and Discussion of Screening Harms

Cancer screening can lead to patient-level harms from screening tests, diagnostic follow-up, and cancer treatment. This review examined U.S. screening guidelines on breast, cervical, colorectal,

ASGE Journal ScanKolon

There Are Now 5 Randomized Controlled Trials of Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Screening, and They All Show It Works

Four previous randomized controlled trials of flexible sigmoidoscopy (FS) have shown reductions in at least distal colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence and mortality after FS screening. 

ASGE Journal ScanKolon

How Much Will Screening 45- to 49-Year-Olds Affect ADR?

With the advent of screening average-risk persons beginning at age 45, many are wondering whether minimum acceptable adenoma detection rate (ADR) thresholds will need adjustment,

ASGE Journal ScanKolon

How Do We Get to 80% Screening?

Douglas K. Rex, MD, FASGE reviewing Inadomi JM, et al. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2019 Dec 27. The National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable set a goal of

LiteraturUnterer GI-Trakt

Werden schwierige Kolonpolypen immer noch operiert?

Es ist derzeitiger Standard, dass wenn bei der (Screening) Koloskopie Polypen bzw. Adenome erkannt werden, diese entweder direkt entfernt oder, wenn nicht, die Patienten an

LiteraturUnterer GI-Trakt

Stuhl-DNA-Test – eine neue Bedrohung für die Vorsorge-Koloskopie?

Stuhltests haben sich vom klassischen okkulten Stuhlbluttest (fecal occult blood test, FOBT) zunehmend zu immunologischen Stuhltests (fecal immunologic test, FIT) verlagert, vor allem in Ländern