ERCPTeaching VideosUpper GI tract

Lars explains Anatomy – Gastric Bypass

Die Anzahl an durchgefĂĽhrten Adipositas-OPs steigt weltweit. FĂĽr jeden Endoskopiker ist es wichtig die Anatomie nach einer Magen-Bypass-OP zu kennen um evtl. Komplikationen nach diesen

ERCPTeaching VideosUpper GI tract

Roux-en-Y anatomy after gastric resection

This video illustrates the altered anatomy resulting after the type of gastric resection that is carried out for gastric carcinoma, for example. Bowel continuity is

ERCPTeaching VideosUpper GI tract

Billroth II anatomy after partial stomach resection

This video explains the altered anatomy that is encountered after a Billroth II operation. In a Billroth II resection, the lower part of the stomach