Pure Cut Current for Biliary Sphincterotomy Is Associated With Less Delayed Bleeding and May Reduce Post-ERCP Pancreatitis Risk
Rajesh N. Keswani, MD, MS, reviewing Funari MP, et al. Am J Gastroenterol 2023 Aug 7.
Thermal injury from biliary sphincterotomy is thought to play a role in at least a proportion of post-ERCP pancreatitis (PEP) cases. Thus, the present study aimed to determine whether the use of a Pure cut current versus an EndoCUT (ERBE, Tubingen, Germany) current—a blend of cutting and coagulation currents—might decrease PEP rates by reducing thermal injury to the pancreas.
In this study conducted at two centers, the authors randomized 550 patients with native papillae undergoing ERCP, with the intention for biliary sphincterotomy, to one of two electrosurgical settings, Pure cut or EndoCUT (EndoCUT I, effect 2, cutting duration 3, cutting interval 3), in a 1:1 fashion. Rectal nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) were not utilized because they were not available to the centers during the study period. The primary outcome was PEP incidence.
The overall PEP rate was 4.0% (all mild to moderate). On univariate analysis, the PEP rate was significantly higher with EndoCUT than with Pure cut (5.8% vs 2.2%; P=.034). Cannulation attempted more than 5 times was also a risk factor for PEP on univariate analysis. On multivariate analysis, only a higher number of cannulation attempts reached significance for PEP risk, with EndoCUT current use approaching significance (P=.052). Intraprocedural bleeding was significantly more common in the Pure cut group; however, delayed bleeding was more common in the EndoCUT group than the Pure cut group (4.3% vs 1.5%, respectively). Finally, only one uncontrolled sphincterotomy (zipper cut) occurred, and this was in the EndoCUT group.

COMMENTThis study provides robust evidence that, at minimum, the Pure cut current for biliary sphincterotomy is not inferior to the EndoCUT current mode. The Pure cut mode was associated with reduced odds of delayed bleeding on multivariate analysis and decreased PEP rates on univariate analysis. The major caveat to this study is that standard-of-care PEP prophylaxis (rectal NSAIDs) was unavailable at both study centers. Based on this study, endoscopists who perform ERCP should consider switching electrosurgical settings for biliary sphincterotomy.
Note to readers: At the time we reviewed this paper, its publisher noted that it was not in final form and that subsequent changes might be made.
Funari MP, Brunaldi VO, Proença IM, et al. Pure cut or endocut for biliary sphincterotomy? A multicenter randomized clinical trial. Am J Gastroenterol 2023 Aug 7. (Epub ahead of print) (https://doi.org/10.14309/ajg.0000000000002458)