Endocuff Vision Enhances Detection in CADe-Assisted Colonoscopy

Endocuff Vision Enhances Detection in CADe-Assisted Colonoscopy

Douglas K. Rex, MD, MASGE, reviewing Spadaccini M, et al. Gastroenterology 2023 Apr 13.

In a randomized trial, 1316 patients underwent colonoscopy with either computer-aided detection (CADe) assistance alone or CADe plus Endocuff Vision (ECV; Olympus America, Center Valley, Penn, USA).

The adenoma detection rate (ADR) was significantly higher with CADe and ECV combined (49.6%) than with CADe alone (44%). The rate of adenomas detected per colonoscopy was also higher at 0.94 with both devices versus 0.74 with just CADe. The use of ECV increased ADR by 5.4% in the right side of the colon, but gains in other sections did not reach significance. There was no difference between arms in advanced adenomas or sessile serrated lesions, and withdrawal time was almost identical between the two groups.

Douglas K. Rex, MD, FASGE


The combined use of a mucosal exposure device and a highlighting technique appears to be the current gold standard approach for those wishing to maximize colonoscopy detection.

Note to readers: At the time we reviewed this paper, its publisher noted that it was not in final form and that subsequent changes might be made.


Spadaccini M, Hassan C, Rondonotti E, et al. Combination of mucosa-exposure device and computer-aided detection for adenoma detection during colonoscopy: a randomized trial. Gastroenterology 2023 Apr 13. (Epub ahead of print) (https://doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2023.03.237)

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