achalasia – POEM achalasia type I 1x BoTox, 1x balloon dilation
Live Event On-Demand Videos
Live Event On-Demand Videos by focus
Achalasie – POEM
Zenker Diverticulum – Z-POEM
ENDOCLUBNORD 2020 – Zenker Diverticulum – Z-POEM Symptomatic Zenker diverticulum
Gastric empyting disorder – G-POEM
Gastric pull-up (TU surgery) Temporary success BoTox, Balloon
Anastomotic insufficiency in the esophagus, EndoSponge treatment
Anastomotic insufficiency in the esophagus, EndoSponge treatment ECN 2018
ESD for a large rectal adenoma
ESD for a large rectal adenoma ECN 2018
Bougienage treatment for cicatricial stenoses
Bougienage treatment for cicatricial stenoses ECN 2018
Drainage of a pancreatic pseudocyst
Drainage of a pancreatic pseudocyst ECN 2018
EMR for an adenoma in the transverse colon
EMR for an adenoma in the transverse colon ECN 2018
ESD for a gastric lipoma
ESD for a gastric lipoma
Endoscopic mucosal resection of a rectal adenoma
Endoskopische Mukosaresektion eines Rektumadenoms ECN 2018
Endoscopic papillectomy for intraductal involvement
Endoscopic papillectomy for intraductal involvement
ESD for a squamous cell carcinoma in the esophagus
ESD for a squamous cell carcinoma in the esophagus