HomeTeaching VideosTreatment for papillary adenoma Treatment for papillary adenomaBy Endoscopy-Admin By loading the video, you accept YouTube's privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unlock YouTube A. Hoffmann, Wiesbaden Sequenzen: Sequence 1: visualization and probing The borders of the papillary adenoma are traced with the papillotome and the biliary duct and pancreatic duct are intubated. Sequence 2: injection An injection is made into the papillary adenoma to produce a good lifting sign. Sequence 3: visualization after injection The papillary adenoma following injection of 7 mL 0.9% NaCl. Sequence 4: excision Resection of the papilloma with a braided resection snare. Sequence 5: Probing of the pancreatic duct after papillectomy. The pancreatic duct is cannulated immediately after the polypectomy, for prophylaxis against postinterventional pancreatitis. Sequence 6: stenting after papillectomy Placement of a pancreatic stent (single pigtail, 5 Fr, 4 cm) to reduce the risk of postinterventional pancreatitis. Related Posts Endosonography | Teaching Videos EUS-Guided drainage of PFCThis video demonstrates the single-gate technique of drainage of a WATCH THE VIDEO Endosonography | Teaching Videos Water insufflation in EUS evaluationThis video demonstrates the importance of water insufflation in the WATCH THE VIDEO × Vielen Dank für Ihre Anmeldung! Ihre Anmeldung für den Newsletter wurde bestätigt. Bitte fügen Sie info@endoscopy-campus.com zu Ihrem Adressbuch hinzu, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie E-Mails vom Endoscopy Campus erhalten. × Thank You! Subscription Confirmed Your subscription to the newsletter has been confirmed. Please add info@endoscopy-campus.com to your address book to make sure you receive emails from the Endoscopy Campus.